Note: Current conditions may change throughout the day. The data is updated every hour.

Building # Building Description Current Chilled Water
Temperature Range
00054east quadranglebelow 47 deg. f.
00063south quadrangleabove 53 deg. f.
00065vaughan victor c housebelow 47 deg. f.
00100molecular behavioral neurosciabove 53 deg. f.
00105lipsey student publications blabove 53 deg. f.
00137kresge hallabove 53 deg. f.
00145institute for social researchabove 53 deg. f.
00150literature science and the artbelow 47 deg. f.
00151museum of artbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00154lorch hallabove 53 deg. f.
00155burton memorial towerbelow 47 deg. f.
00158chemistryabove 53 deg. f.
00162school of dentistry buildingbelow 47 deg. f.
00166east hallbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00167west hallbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00172rackham horace h grad studiesabove 53 deg. f.
00175haven hallabove 53 deg. f.
00181hatcher h south grad librarybelow 47 deg. f.
001881100 n university bldgbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00189dana samuel trask buildingbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00190medical science unit ibelow 47 deg. f.
00191michigan leagueabove 53 deg. f.
00192alumni centerabove 53 deg. f.
00200medical science unit iibetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00203presidents residenceabove 53 deg. f.
00204vaughan henry f public healthbelow 47 deg. f.
00206angell hall auditoriumsabove 53 deg. f.
00207modern languages buildingbelow 47 deg. f.
00208randall harrison m laboratorybetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00210buhl res cen for human geneticabove 53 deg. f.
00211school of kinesiology bldgabove 53 deg. f.
00215student activitiesabove 53 deg. f.
00216tappan hallabove 53 deg. f.
00219school of social work buildingbelow 47 deg. f.
00221education school ofbelow 47 deg. f.
00223medical sciences research bld1between 48 and 52 deg. f.
00227shapiro harold vivian librarybetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00229medical sciences research bld3above 53 deg. f.
00230college of pharmacy buildingbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00234francis thomas jr public healtbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00333school of nursing building 1below 47 deg. f.
00395bagnoud francois-xavier buildiabove 53 deg. f.
00396duderstadt centerabove 53 deg. f.
00397lurie robert h engineering ctrabove 53 deg. f.
00399north campus admin complexbelow 47 deg. f.
00400lay walter e automotive lababove 53 deg. f.
00403cooley mortimer e memorialbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00404mich memorial phoenix laboratobetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00406lurie biomedical engabove 53 deg. f.
00407brown g g laboratorybetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00414environmental water res engabove 53 deg. f.
00415naval arch marine engineeringbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00420school of information northbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00424gorguze family laboratoryabove 53 deg. f.
00429industrial operations engin blbelow 47 deg. f.
00432art architecture buildingabove 53 deg. f.
00435engineering research bldg 1above 53 deg. f.
00436engineering research bldg 2above 53 deg. f.
00437gerstacker buildingabove 53 deg. f.
00439bentley historical libraryabove 53 deg. f.
00440moore earl v bldgabove 53 deg. f.
00441climate and space research bldabove 53 deg. f.
00447dow herbert h buildingabove 53 deg. f.
00448electrical eng computer sci blbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
00742campus safety services buildinabove 53 deg. f.
00799buhr buildingabove 53 deg. f.
00812research museums centerabove 53 deg. f.
00815administrative servicesabove 53 deg. f.
00851observatory hallabove 53 deg. f.
00890perry buildingabove 53 deg. f.
05036coleman mary sue hallabove 53 deg. f.
05037taubman biomed sci res bldgabove 53 deg. f.
05046undergraduate science buildingabove 53 deg. f.
05047palmer commonsbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
05059walgreen drama centerbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
05092beyster bob and betty buildingbelow 47 deg. f.
05101weill hallabove 53 deg. f.
05139north campus chiller plantbetween 48 and 52 deg. f.
05179202 south thayer buildingbelow 47 deg. f.
05188ross school of businessabove 53 deg. f.
05235jeffries hallabove 53 deg. f.
08090wolverine towerabove 53 deg. f.
Last updated: Feb 17th, 2025 @ 4:00 AM EST