The Central Campus East Region, located primarily north and east of the Diag, supports teaching, research, residential housing, recreational, performance arts, and patient care activities within the diverse array of buildings we maintain. North Quad is a building that combines teaching, residential housing, and performance arts activities within one building.

We support three renowned performing arts venues in Hill Auditorium, Power Center, and Mendelssohn Theater. Hill Auditorium is the largest performance venue on campus with over 3500 seats, noted as a ‘monument to perfect acoustics’ when it opened in 1913.

We also maintain Burton Memorial Tower, the location of the world’s third heaviest grand carillon, containing 53 bells, which can be heard throughout Central Campus and downtown Ann Arbor when being played.

The patient care activities supported by CCE Region are located in Health Services Building and in the Dental School. Health Services treats approximately 80,000 patients each year on an outpatient basis and we support the full range of diagnostic and treatment facilities housed in the facility. Within the Dental School, CCE Region maintains and repairs such vacuum and suction systems that are unique to campus facilities maintenance.

Central Campus East Contact List

Jerry KennedyRegion Manager[email protected]734.647.3898SB305-06
Val WaltersAdministrative Assistant[email protected]734.764.5265SB305-03
Konnor SeyfriedAsset Supervisor, sub region 1[email protected]734.763.1094SB305-06
Shawn BirchmeierAsset Supervisor, sub region 2[email protected]734.764.9374SB305-04
Bob MontyAsset Supervisor, sub region 3[email protected]734.647.3275SB305-05
Rotating AssignmentKitter734.763.8643Dental School B353

Central Campus East 1 Building Assignments

Asset Supervisor: Konnor Seyfried

Building #Building Description
160Cooley Memorial Fountain - Ingalls Mall
162Dental and W K Kellogg Institute
172Rackham Horace H Graduate Studies
176Health Service
177Hill Auditorium
180Power Center for Performing Arts
191Michigan League
192Alumni Center
207Modern Languages Building
254Fletcher Street Parking Structure
5177North Quadrangle Residential and Academic Complex

Central Campus East 2 Building Assignments

Asset Supervisor: Shawn Birchmeier

Building #Building Description
155Burton Memorial Tower
183Lane Hall
188North University Building
189Dana Samuel Trask Building
211Kraus Edward Henry Building
230College of Pharmacy Building
259Thayer Street Parking Structure
280Diag Flagpole
5179202 South Thayer Building

Central Campus East 3 Building Assignments

Asset Supervisor: Bob Monty

Building #Building Description
165Weiser Hall
166East Hall
193Ruthven Alexander G Museums Building
225Dance Building
226Central Campus Rec Building & Bell Pool
252Forest Switching Station
257Church Street Parking Structure
260Central Power Plant
261Plant Service Building
5042Central Campus Rec Building Storage Facility
5451Central Campus Classroom Building